Christmas Eve is this friday and Christmas Day is Saturday! Wow how time flies by. Holiday plans consist of Christmas Eve dinner at my parents with my boss coming over as well. Christmas Day is Mass and then lunch at my parents. The Holidays are pretty low key in my house only because it is just my parents and I. We focus more on spending time together, being grateful for our health, jobs and so much more. Christmas is really all about being grateful and helping others in need.
Have a Blessed Holiday! I would love to hear about what your plans are :)
My picks for the perfect holiday gifts
Here is what I recommend you purchase for the ones you love:
Jewelry from my friend Tanya Burr at Talullahtu Jewelry
She has gorgeous pieces that are very reasonabnly priced. From gold to silver from diamonds t o pearls. You are definitely going to find the perfect piece for that special someone.
Personalized Stationary- Ashley Brooke Designs
Who doesn't love and need some beautiful stationary? Personally, I adore stationary. I have always been a advocate of sending notes, letters and cards to those you care for. Recoeving a note in the mail is one of the best feelings in the world. AB Designs is a great friend and her work is wonderfiul!
Michael Bonomo Photography- Michael Bonomo Photography
A true talent and good friend of mine is a fantastic photographer who lives and works in the LA area. If you look at his site, you can see that he is a true artist when it comes to photographing and film. I think some of the best presents are personalized ones. Why not give your family the gift of caprturing your holiday memories through the art of photography? It is true what they say, a picture is worth 1,000 words. If you live, work or travel to the LA area definitely contact my friend and have him take your holiday pictures.
Jewelry from my friend Tanya Burr at Talullahtu Jewelry
She has gorgeous pieces that are very reasonabnly priced. From gold to silver from diamonds t o pearls. You are definitely going to find the perfect piece for that special someone.
Personalized Stationary- Ashley Brooke Designs
Who doesn't love and need some beautiful stationary? Personally, I adore stationary. I have always been a advocate of sending notes, letters and cards to those you care for. Recoeving a note in the mail is one of the best feelings in the world. AB Designs is a great friend and her work is wonderfiul!
Michael Bonomo Photography- Michael Bonomo Photography
A true talent and good friend of mine is a fantastic photographer who lives and works in the LA area. If you look at his site, you can see that he is a true artist when it comes to photographing and film. I think some of the best presents are personalized ones. Why not give your family the gift of caprturing your holiday memories through the art of photography? It is true what they say, a picture is worth 1,000 words. If you live, work or travel to the LA area definitely contact my friend and have him take your holiday pictures.
Ashley Brooke Designs-- Holiday Sale!
My dear friends at Ashley Brooke Designs are the greatest when it comes to beautiful work on holiday cards and personal stationary. They are the ones who designed my blog header. Isn't it gorgeous?!
This weekend Dec. 10-Dec. 13 she is offering a great sale:
Place your order with AB and tell them I sent you!
Happy Holidays!
This weekend Dec. 10-Dec. 13 she is offering a great sale:
Place your order with AB and tell them I sent you!
Happy Holidays!
Baby, It's cold outside…
As you can see the weather here in South Carolina is super cold. Which is way below average here in the Carolinas. Guess what? I love it!! A girl who was born and raised in Boston loves that it is actually a great cold winter. I like the summers and springs here, but if I had to choose it would be winter and fall. I love the crispness of the air, the cool air in the morning and bundling up each day :)
Support and spread the word
Good Morning my dear friends! :)
If you are facebook friends with me or even follow me on Twitter. You may have noticed that I am trying to get the word out for my friend, Michael's film that he is trying to get made. I would like to ask your help in getting involved. Please go to his link for the movie- The Muse Film and check it out. Even if you are unable to donate, even $1.00 please if you would post this on your blog for me or even on FB to get the word out.
Thank you so much.. if we all can just pass it on who knows how far it can go. :)
If you are facebook friends with me or even follow me on Twitter. You may have noticed that I am trying to get the word out for my friend, Michael's film that he is trying to get made. I would like to ask your help in getting involved. Please go to his link for the movie- The Muse Film and check it out. Even if you are unable to donate, even $1.00 please if you would post this on your blog for me or even on FB to get the word out.
Thank you so much.. if we all can just pass it on who knows how far it can go. :)
Home Decor -Holiday Edition
I'm not much of a decorator, but I love homes that are decorated for the holidays. Here are a couple of my favorites:
Photo Credits

Happy Winter!
It is officialy Decmber 1st. Which means tonight at sundown Hanukkah begins and winter weather has begun creeping in and I love it!!
Growing up in Boston I love the seasons. I find it odd for it to be 80 inm December. There is no holiday cheer in 80 degree weather.
Things I love about winter---
Midnight Mass
The Family Wreath
Children enjoying the snow's magic
And most of all ... Peace in the world:

Happy Winter everyone :)
Photo Credits
Growing up in Boston I love the seasons. I find it odd for it to be 80 inm December. There is no holiday cheer in 80 degree weather.
Things I love about winter---
Midnight Mass
The Family Wreath
Children enjoying the snow's magic
And most of all ... Peace in the world:

Happy Winter everyone :)
Photo Credits