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It's Thursday and It was Crazy

Yep, you read that right. My weekend was a big Flop! Horrible! Wilmington has nothing, not a thing to do. Just a river walk and thats about it. We had a terrible experience at a restaurant there, the stores - there are none that have good shopping. I told my parents thats it we are going to the OG (Olive Garden) LOL

And we did! Better service, food was fantastic as always and I had my Bella Limonda! So I was a happy girl.  I mean, it was just not a great place t o visit at all. Not my thing I guess. I was bored and the locals didnt give me any insight on what there is to do there. So, I am giving it a D rating. Yep, a D.

On a brighter note, its Thursday, I am wearing coral and gold at the office today. Makes me happy :) Its Mary Kay month for me! Love that! Mailing out orders and sending out samples to some of my favorite blog readers :)

Love you all and thank you for listening to my vent.