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Beauty Report Monday

Good Morning Loves! :)

Each Monday we will be focusing on some beauty trends, tips and some of our favorites beauty items here at TVP.
Today's must have item is the all natural WEN Hair Care-- Cleanser Conditioning. OMG! This is amazing stuff and I swear by it.If you have thick and dry hair this is a must have. A little bit goes a long way.
I have naturally curly hair that is super thick. I began using the WEN hair care in Fig and I have noticed an amazing difference. My hair is shinner, weighs down less, not dry at all and super soft. It is a win win :)

Best thing about this hair care ine is that it is all natural. There are no harsh chemicals, lab testings etc..

Here are the choices:

Almond Mint, Pomogrante, Winter Vanilla Mint, Lavendar, Cucumber & Aloe, Tea Tree & Fig ( which is what I use for dry/frizzy hair).

I order mine via and get a 6 month supply in this HUGE dispenser! I dime size goes a long way.

I give this product 5 stars, must have go and buy it today!

If you do try it, please let me know I would love to hear  from you :)


Aly @ Analyze This said... 1

Friend! Where have you been?!?!

Unknown said... 2

I gave you an award!!! check out my blog!

Unknown said... 3

Ooo, I've always wondered about this product! My hair is *SO* thin after having my daughter. I need to inject some life back into it! I should try this out. :)


(Emily, Fit and Free with Emily)

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