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Where have I been?

Everywhere and anywhere honestly. Things is are wonderful, I’m truly on cloud 9 and blessed beyond belief.

I have a healthy and wonderful family, friends are great, the Pup is doing well and I have an amazing man who loves me.

Life has gotten in the way and my TVP blog has been neglected.. ( don’t mind me as I wipe off the cobwebs on my blog)

But I am back and happy to share with you fellow TVP’ers my life well as much as I want to share.

Hmm.. so where to start? Well, lately I have set a goal – a weight loss goal for myself. I have many events coming up, pool parties with friends and family, birthday celebrations and weddings. I for one, want to be in the best shape that I can be. So I decided to join WW (weight watchers). I know so many people who have had great success with it and I want to join in.

Photo Credits 

So here I will be not only talking about my love of fashion, make up and all things pretty but once in a while I will post about my journey to a healthier me on WW.
If you are looking to join me on this quest, I welcome you to do so!  I would love to have my fellow TVP’ers join me and why not take this journey together.

Today I have my WW IPhone app in hand and logging it all in. Going to Zumba today after work and burn these calories off!

Happy Monday everyone!


Shayna @ The Fancy Yancey said... 1

YAY! I'm glad you're back! (Even though we still chat via Twitter!) :)

Unknown said... 2

Always love to have you back!!! I started Insanity yesterday and log my food on my fitness pal!! I need all the inspiration I can get!

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